3 weeks Full-time Remote


Always wanted to learn how to code?

Our 4-week Level 2 Develop: Coding course is designed to introduce you to the core principles of modern software development, an introduction to programming and web development using our project based, immersive learning approach.

This course is for those with or without experience, however no technical knowledge is required.

You will complete practical, hands-on sessions to demonstrate your knowledge and you will create a website using Python to build a text-based game.

TLM | Level 1 | Accredited Certification in Digital Functional Skills
TLM | Level 2 | Accredited Certification in IT User Skills (Open Systems & Enterprise)

Develop: Coding

A great taste of what the industry is like where you will learn:

Week 1
  • Using devices and handling information
  • Creating and editing
  • Communicating
  • Transacting
  • Being safe and responsible online
Week 2
  • Introduction to the Course / HTML and CSS
  • HTML Images, Classes, Links, and IDs / CSS Flexbox
  • Introduction to the Website Project / Introduction to the Written Assignment
Week 3
  • Introduction to Data and Variables / Properties and Methods (Python)
  • If / Else (Python)
  • Functions / Libraries (Python)
  •  Lists (Python) / Introduction to Python Group Game Project
Week 4
  • Loops (Python) / Introduction to Python Group Presentation
  • Game Project
  • Python Game Testing / Mini Graduation / Final Hand-in

The Curriculum.

In week one if eligible, you will complete a Level 1 Digital Functional Skills qualification and in weeks two-four a Level 2, Accredited Certification in IT User Skills (Open Systems & Enterprise). 

Week 1 overview  In week one you will complete a Level 1 Accredited Digital Functional Skills (DFSQs), a crucial aspect of the National Standards for Essential Digital Skills. This encompasses both Essential Digital Skills and Digital Functional Skills qualifications. Completing the (DFSQ) will contribute to solid groundwork for future employment opportunities and continued learning..

Week 2 overview In week two you will be introduced to the virtual learning environment, meet your development team, and download all of the software you need to become a developer. You will then learn about HTML and CSS, using your knowledge to create a website for your portfolio

Week 3 overview – In week three you will begin your journey into Python, completing a range of activities to deepen your knowledge in preparation for your Python project in week four.

Week 4 overview – In your final week yo will apply your knowledge of Python to create your first Python project – a text-based adventure game. You will work in a small development team and get a real feel for the workflow of a development project. You will end the week, and your time on the course, with a mini graduation of the games that have been made by you and your team.

This is a full time course, running 9:30 – 17:30,  Monday – Friday for 4 weeks.

No entry requirements or entry exam
Built in employability training
Access to our Talent Portal to match to vacancies
Study remotely!
Funding available for qualifying students

Download the Course Flyer

Alex's Story.

“The course seemed like a great place to start my journey to become a junior developer. I Learned the programming language Python. The first steps were challenging but my course tutors were always on hand to answer any questions and make me feel more comfortable. My skills had grown loads in just 2 weeks and felt like working in a development team on the project assignment. Going from not being able to code to creating and building a game that functioned and worked in python was amazing.

I’ve taken those skills to the next level and I’m now an apprentice software developer.”